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Hannah Gulick Suehiro Music Scholarship


Hannah Gulick Suehiro Music Scholarship

Empowering the musical students at Kobe College since 1990


The Hannah Gulick Suehiro Music Scholarship is given in honor of Ms. Hannah Gulick (1874-1967). Born in China, Ms. Gulick was adopted by the John Gulick family, a well-known missionary family. She went to Baika Women's College in Osaka, where she was trained in music. She later taught music at Kobe College. Eventually she married a Japanese Congregational minister with whom she moved to Hawaii, where she taught music in the public schools until World War II, after which she continued to teach privately. She died in 1967 at the age of 93.

- 2023 Hanna Gulick Suehiro Music Scholarship -

2024 UG Chinatsu Ono 2.JPG
2024 UG Hikari Sasa 2.JPG
Suehiro 2024 Spring recipients with Tami N.JPG

Undergraduate Award Recipients:

Ms. Chinatsu Sasa (bass clarinet) 

​Undergraduate Award Recipient:
Ms. Hikari Sasa (composition)

Graduate Award Recipient:

Ms. Mizuho Hatano (contrabass)

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