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  Fellow                              Year                 Affiliation                   

John Ostermiller              2023 - 2024    University of Shizuoka

Between piety and popularity: cultural code-switching and Muslim migrant communities in Japan.

Lillian Tsay                       2022 - 2023    Tokyo University

The Sweetened Empire: The Making of Western-style Confectionery in Modern Japan (1868- 1952)

Dylan Hallingstad O’Brien 2021 - 2022 Waseda University

The Work of Being Well: Macrobiotic Philosophy and the Politics of Life

Shannon Welch               2020 - 2021     Waseda University

Ambiguous Borders Between Immigration and Imperialism: Reconceptualizing Postcolonial Studies through Japanese-Brazilian Immigrant Literature

Alicia Foley                       2019 - 2020     Kobe Jogakuin

Masterless Texts: Chûshingura, Intermediality, and the Culture of Fan Service in Early Modern Japan

Vera Hanaoka                  2018 - 2019     Kobe Jogakuin

How Japanese language learners in Japan develop/create a Japanese-speaking identity.

Vivian Shaw                     2017 - 2018     Sophia University   

Race after 3-11 (Post-Fukushima situation)

Sam Timinisky                 2016 - 2017     Waseda University

Men’s magazines and masculinity in post-war period up through 1970s?  Particular emphasis on political writings.

---------- Program Suspended due to Economic Difficulties from 2010 - 2015 ----------

Sarah Kashani                  2009 - 2010

Success via Marginality: Korean Ethnic Entrepreneurialism and Postcolonial Subjectivity in Japan

Christina Ghanbarpour   2007 - 2008

Changing Traditions: The Role of Rural Women in Creating Japan’s Modernity

Deborah Solomon             2006 - 2007   Kyoto University

Imperial Lessons: Discourses of Domination and Dissent in the 1929 Kwangju Student Protests

Pieter de Ganon                2005 - 2006

Down the Rabbit Hole: A Study in the Political Economy of Modern Japan

Liv Coleman                      2004 - 2005

Michelle Plauche              2003 - 2004

Catherine Bae                   2003 - 2004

Girl Meets Boy Meets Girl: Heterosocial Relations, Wholesome Youth, and Democracy in Postwar Japan

Pamela Winfield              2001 - 2002

Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism:  Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment

Linda M Flores                 2000 - 2001    Ochanomizu  University

Reading the Maternal Body in the Works of Hirabayashi Taiko

Greg Vanderbilt                2000 - 2001

Holly Ogren                       1999 - 2000    Tohoku University

Eric Johnson                     1999 - 2000    University of Tokyo

Modern Japan and the Cultural History of Inkyo

Joseph Essertier               1998 – 1999    University of Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University

Cindi Sturtz                       1998 – 1999    Kobe Jogakuin

Danseigo da zo!  Japanese men’s language

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